7-9 March 2025: International Dog Shows in Vilnius

The Lithuanian Kennel Club gladly invites you to 3 international dog shows to be held on 7-9 March 2025 in Vilnius at the Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO.

Dogs which receive 3 LT CAC at International dog shows may be granted LT Champion title (CH titles can be confirmed at the show place).

Entry form should be sent to the Lithuanian Kennel Club with a copy of pedigree, champion and/or FCI working certificate and payment (with clearly legible name of the payer) attached. Entry deadline – 16 02 2025.

Registration, info.

Only dogs with complete set of relevant documents enclosed will be accepted.

Entry fee must be transferred to the Lithuanian Kennel Club bank account in full amount (including bank charges). Cheques are not accepted. Entry fee can be refunded only in case of dog death. The discount for the 2nd and next dogs can be applied only if the name of the owner and his/her address is completely identical with the 1st dog entry form. Entries by e-mail and post are accepted.

Show organizer reserves the right to replace the judge when necessary.

Registration e-mail: show.vilnius@gmail.com.

Online: https://e.kinologija.lt/

General sponsor Nature’s Protection.

For trade at the exhibition, contact – lkd.violeta@gmail.com

Photo by Entuziastas media