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Dog Day







Let‘s meet by the Baltic Seaside!

The Lithuanian Kennel Club gladly invites you to three international dog shows, which will be held from 23 to 25 May 2025 in Palanga resort (kempingas COMPENSA, Klaipėdos pl. 33 i, Nemirseta).

Dogs will be judged by experts from Canada, Malaysia, China, Sweden, Denmark, Serbia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, and Lithuania.

Education centre of The Lithuanian Kennel Club, Recap of 2024

The Lithuanian Kennel Club established its Education Center in the summer of 2011. This organization’s educational division quickly earned recognition not only from the professional canine community but also from the general public.

It has also gained the support of dog lovers, canine organizations, and like-minded communities from abroad. 

The Most Beautiful Dog of the Baltic States in 2025 Crowned in Vilnius

“Finally, the New Year has truly begun,” joked purebred dog enthusiasts gathered at the highly anticipated Baltic Champion of Champions 2025 show in Vilnius. On January 18th, the Lithuanian Kennel Club proudly hosted this annual event at the elegant Park Plaza Conference Center.

A beloved tradition, the championship is held yearly in a different Baltic country, drawing top competitors from across the region. This year’s event showcased an impressive lineup of dogs of various breeds, selected through national championships or, in Lithuania’s case, the winners of the "TOP Dog" contest.

The book about national dog breed – the Lithuanian Hound

A new book entitled „The Lithuanian Hound“ was published in 2021 by Vilnius University Press.

The authors of the publication are Mantas Milinavičius, Marius Smetona and Anželika Smetonienė – Lithuanian Hounds breeders and lovers.

The Lithuanian Hound is not yet recognised by the FCI but breed lovers and breeders make a huge effort for this to happen.

„It is one more step forward towards recognision, which is extremely important for preserving and promoting our national dog breed, – says Ramune Kazlauskaite, the President of the Lithuanian Kennel Club.

Some extracts from the book:

FCI Commission for Education and Public Relations annual meeting

On 13 May 2024 in Antalya, Turkey, the FCI  Commission for Education and Public Relations had its annual meeting. The event was hosted by the Turkish Kennel Club.

The aim of the meeting was to review the work that was done by the Commission in 2023 and to discuss its further activities.

Information for International Dog Shows participants

The exhibitors are responsible for the welfare of the dogs at FCI international dog shows. It is forbidden to expose a dog to a situation that can be dangerous for its health and welfare, such as for example leaving it in the car in excessively hot or cold weather and/or treating it in a cruel manner. Violation of this ruling will result in exclusion from the ongoing and future dog shows.

The entrant/exhibitor declares that any dog entered has been adequately vaccinated (standard vaccinations, the validation of the vaccination in accordance with the vaccine’s producer advice) of which proof can be shown.